Design in Deviant U.S. Culture
This Integrated Design class was led by Jared Culp at the University of Texas at Austin. This studio is part of series led by Culp that examines the contemporary effects of latent memories that have given shape to post-colonial American culture. This course is an examination of tent revivals and its inherent links to African tradition. This course also examines this "deviant" religious tradition and how these traditions have shaped the contemporary black experience. Students were tasked with examining the economy, aesthetics, urbanism, and ideology of these two overarching course themes to create of product of their own. 

Our Problem Statement
How can we create an event to combat pandemic-induced isolation and mental health struggles of the Gen-Z generation? 

Our Solution
Taking inspiration from our informative session on tent rivals and their relation to the black community, we envisioned a festival that could reunite those who lost a sense of community due to quarantine in a creative way. We were then inspired by the multidimensionality of a festival like South By South West and decided to incorporate themes of multifaceted mediums for creativity into our Creative Revival Festival. In addition, in-hand with the Creative Revival Festival would be a phone app that would guide attendees through their experience and unite them with their community. 
Dalena Le + Jessica Ye + Nicole Constantin + Sierra Raber. 
Our Brainstorming Session
For a closer look of our work, click here to view our miro board.
From this brainstorming session, we determined necessary questions to ask our interviewees in order to get a better idea of who our specific users are and what their needs are. 
From these interviews, we created 2 overarching personas and detailed who they are and what their needs include. We then created a festival that met these needs. 
We began brainstorming of the types of event these personas would enjoy and how they would benefit (gain points + pain points)
Once our ideas began coming together, we organized our thoughts and refined them to create a better organized solution.
Once this was done, we were able to create a rough draft envisioning how attendees would experience the festival. 
& now for the final product.
Our Presentation Deck
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